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RSCC Policy PA-10-01; Sick Leave

Roane State Community College
Policy Number: PA-10-01
Subject: Sick Leave

罗安州立社区学院的政策是保护所有全职和兼职员工不因生病而失去收入, injury, or incapacity to work, including illness or incapacity to work due to pregnancy, 并在某些家庭成员生病或死亡的情况下为员工提供休假时间.

  1. Eligibility to Accrue Sick Leave
    1. Regular full-time employees and academic personnel, regardless of probationary status, shall be eligible to accrue sick leave. 所有符合条件的员工(常规全职和常规兼职)在每月工作超过50%后将获得病假.
    2. Regular part-time employees, 包括被安排担负少于全部教学负荷或同等教学负荷的学术人员, regardless of probationary status, 应有资格按其就业占全职就业的百分比按比例累积病假.
    3. Temporary employees shall not be eligible to accrue sick leave. 临时雇员随后被任命为正式雇员,在临时任务和正式职位之间没有中断服务的,有资格累积病假,并应获得自雇用之日起追溯的病假余额.
    4. 所有通过助学金或合同获得资金的全职和兼职员工都没有资格获得病假,除非助学金或合同提供足够的资金来支付这种休假的费用, 或者除非获得总统批准的病假资格.
    5. Student employees shall not be eligible to accrue sick leave.
  2. Eligibility for and Rate of Accrual of Sick Leave
    1. Regular full-time personnel and full-time academic personnel, whether employed on a twelve-month or nine-month service basis, shall accrue sick leave at the rate of 7.5 hours (1 day) for each month of actual service. 在任何情况下,正式全职员工每年的病假不得超过90小时(12天). A regular full-time employee working 37.5 hours per week earns 90 hours (12 days) of sick leave per year.
    2. Regular part-time personnel and part-time academic personnel, 不论受雇为12个月或9个月,均应按其就业与全职就业的比例计算病假.
    3. Accrued days of sick leave shall be cumulative for all days not used.
    4. Eligible employees shall accrue sick leave from the date of employment. (See Section I, item C., 为后来有资格累积病假的临时雇员提供追溯信用.)
    5. 符合条件的员工在完成服务后每月赚取并累积病假,占其中的大部分.
    6. 所有修改财政年度(MODFY)雇员在其任命期间(通常为非工作期间)被雇用,应按7的比率累积病假.5 hours for each month of full-time employment. For part-time employment during that period, 修改员工应按照本条第B项的规定按比例休病假.
    7. 尽管本协议的任何其他条款可能被解释为相反, regular nine-month academic personnel shall accrue 67.全职工作一学年的5小时(9天)病假,不超过22小时.5小时(3天)的病假,全职工作,整个夏季课程的基础上,在夏季的工作时间.
    8. 其他有资格获得病假的员工在无薪休假期间不获得或累积病假.
  3. Special Disabled Veterans Sick Leave Accrual
    1. In addition to any other leave accrued, 任何根据本政策累积病假并自我认定为与服务有关的残疾30%或以上的退伍军人的员工,每年将获得额外36小时的病假. 这一特殊病假库(特殊残疾退伍军人病假或" SDV病假")可用于与服务相关残疾有关的医疗预约.
    2. 额外的SDV病假将从入职第一天起提供,并在每个财政年度补充. It will not roll over from year to year. Each new fiscal year, 任何未使用的剩余SDV病假将被新的36小时SDV病假所取代.
    3. 如果员工离职,SDV病假没有现金价值. If the employee transfers to another TBR college, 该财政年度未使用的SDV病假余额将转移. 转学到其他高等教育机构或国家机关的, the new employer’s policy will be in effect.
    4. If the veteran dies while employed, the unused SDV sick leave for that year will be paid out, as any remaining sick leave is paid. 如果符合条件的退伍军人在TBR机构或系统办公室工作期间退休,任何剩余未使用的SDV将被报告并证明为退休病假报告的一部分.
  4. Use of Sick Leave
    1. 病假和家庭和医疗假应按照PA-05-01的规定同时休. 访问完整详细的RSCC政策PA-05-01,家庭和医疗假,网址 (注:除非员工的工作时间减少或断断续续, 少于三(3)天的假期不应被指定为家庭和医疗假.) Refer to TBR policy Parental Leave. (Access the complete detailed TBR policy at
    2. 病假一般适用于因员工生病或受伤而缺勤的情况, including illness or incapacity to work due to pregnancy, medical examinations, and dental appointments. In addition, sick leave may be used for paternity leave. Refer to RSCC policy PA-11-01 Parental Leave. (Access the complete detailed RSCC policy PA-11-01 at
    3. 雇员是否因直系亲属患病而必须缺勤, sick leave may be granted by the appropriate approving authority.

      1. Spouse
      2. Child, step-child, foster child
      3. Parent, step-parent, foster parent, and parent-in law
      4. Sibling
      5. Other members of the family who reside within the home of the employee
    4. Sick leave, if available, 在家庭成员死亡的情况下,可由适当的批准当局酌情准予如下:
      1. RSCC政策PA-19-01中定义的直系亲属在三(3)天的丧亲假用完最多五(5)个连续或非连续的定期工作日后,最多可获得两(2)天的假期. 访问完整详细的RSCC政策PA-19-01,丧亲假,网址
      2. In instances of death of one of the following relatives, sick leave may be granted for a maximum of 22.5 hours (3 days):
        1. Sons-in-law and daughters-in-law
        2. Brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law
        3. Foster brothers and foster sisters
    5. 员工滥用病假将导致病假工资的扣留和可能的额外纪律处分. 病假不得休,直到获得和可用,不得提前.
    6. 9个月的学术人员在夏季或其他学期期间因病或受伤缺勤,不得使用病假,除非该员工已经实际出现并在有关学期开始工作.
    7. Upon prior approval of the Chancellor, 雇员在执行职务时因受到攻击而受伤,使其无法履行正常职责, 是否可以在不超过二十八(28)个日历日的期限内保留在正常工资单上,而无需使用任何应计病假. 在工资单上留用的时间长度应基于主治医生的书面声明,该员工无法履行其正常职责.
    8. 根据RSCC政策规定的员工之间病假转移的条件 PA-10-03,病假可转至机构病假银行的成员。.
  5. Physician's Statement or Other Certification
    1. 雇员可能被要求以个人宣誓书的形式提供证据, 经其主管或有关批准机构要求,医生证明或其他证明病假理由的证明.
    2. 如果员工提供有执照的医生或经认证的基督教科学从业者提供的可接受的声明,则不得拒绝病假, or other healthcare provider, 但主管或审批机构可能要求其他医生或认可执业医师提供额外的文件或声明.
  6. Return to Work
    1. 雇员可能被要求出示书面许可才能返回工作岗位, including any restrictions that may apply, 从有执照的医生或其他认可的从业者在恢复工作之前.
    2. 如果释放证明员工能够在合理的住宿条件下或不合理的住宿条件下履行职位的基本职能,员工将被允许返回工作岗位.
  7. Exhaustion of Sick Leave
    1. When the illness, injury, 或雇员在累计病假期满后继续丧失工作能力, 员工继续缺勤,应使用累计年假.
    2. However, in cases of worker's compensation, 员工可以选择无薪休假,保留病假和/或年假.
    3. When an employee has exhausted all accumulated sick and annual leave, he or she may be placed on leave of absence, if requested and found to be justifiable. (See policy PA-07-01 Leave of Absence.)
  8. Separation of Employees with Accrued Sick Leave
    1. Upon termination of employment, accumulated sick leave shall not be used as terminal leave, 累计病假不享受一次性工资待遇.
    2. If an employee is transferring to another state agency, 累计病假按《贝博体育》调休. (Access the complete detailed TBR policy at
    3. 如果雇员在全职连续工作至少一(1)年之后离开系统或任何其他信誉良好的国家服务,然后返回系统全职服务, 员工应立即记入所有病假,他们有权在之前的终止时间.
      1. 如果不是新雇主,则必须由前雇主提供该权利的证明.
      2. 如果雇员在田纳西州的系统或任何其他机构临时工作不到一(1)年, 他们不应被取消获得病假积分的资格,否则他们将有权获得病假积分.
    4. Notwithstanding the above paragraph, 如果田纳西州当地学校董事会雇用的任何州政府雇员或教师在终止之日起六(6)个月内离开州政府或该董事会,并成为全职州政府雇员, 员工应立即记入所有病假,他们有权在之前的终止时间.
    5. 田纳西州联合退休系统(TCRS)成员员工因退休而终止,应将所有未使用的累计病假记入退休帐户. 选择性退休计划(ORP)成员员工因退休而终止工作时,应将所有未使用的累计病假记入退休服务账户,以供保险使用.
  9. Death of Employees with Accrued Sick Leave
    The estate or designated beneficiary of any employee, upon the employee's death, 雇员未使用及应计病假的支付方式,与已故雇员的遗产支付年假的方式相同.


Revision History: 07/01/1990, 03/12/2012, 02/01/2016, 11/01/2021
TBR Policy Reference:,,,, &
Revision Date Effective: 08/02/2022
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 01/11/1988
Original Approval By: Cuyler A. Dunbar, President
Office Responsible: Vice President for Business & Finance
Reviewed: 06/29/2022

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