2024届毕业生4月15日开始领取学位帽和学位服 哈里曼和橡树岭书店. 书店营业时间为美国东部时间周一至周四上午8点至下午4点30分. 参观 毕业典礼网页 欲了解更多信息.



RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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  2. 关于贝博体育
  3. RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.提供在线学位. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.

RSCC Policy PA-24-01; 教师职位描述

保单号码: PA-24-01
主题: 教师职位描述
  1. 教师
    The individual instructor is the key figure in the educational process of the college, 以及他/她的态度, 个性, 技能, 字符, and initiative will determine how well the college accomplishes its mission and the general education objectives. He/she plays a prominent role in curriculum development through constant evaluation of student, 课程和贝博体育成果. 参考PA-22-02关于学术自由的信息. (Access the complete detailed RSCC Policy PA-22-02, Academic Freedom and Responsibility at greenlakees.basilinfracon.com/policies/.)
  2. 兼职教师
    Part-time 教师 members are employed on a per-term, per-hour, or per-course basis. Terms and responsibilities of part-time 教师 are determined on the basis of need at the time of employment. 兼职教师不享有职级或终身职位. Refer to PA-27-01 for information on adjunct 教师 credentials and to PA-26-03 for information on supervision, 取向, 以及对兼职教师的评估. (访问完整详细的RSCC策略PA-27-01, 教师资格, 和PA-26-02, 教师评价, at greenlakees.basilinfracon.com/policies/.)
  3. 教学职责和程序
    下面列出的职责和程序不应被视为一个完整的清单,而应被视为一个指南,用于指导学院作为一个机构已经或正在进行的一些活动. These guidelines must constantly be evaluated, changed, and supplemented as needs become apparent.

    1. 除非院长为了学院的利益安排了其他任务,否则每学期的全部教学时间为15小时或相当的时间. Additional teaching load assignments may be made within the TBR Policy on Extra Compensation.
    2. 保持当前的课程大纲, indicating course objectives and submit to the dean and students on the first day of class. 教学大纲应遵循教务委员会推荐的教学大纲模板,并由首席学术官和校长批准.
    3. 协助学生的建议和监督学生的进步.
    4. 保持班级出勤和成绩的准确记录. Refer to RSCC policies AA-09-01, AA-10-01, and AA-11-01 for related information at greenlakees.basilinfracon.com/policies/.
    5. 根据学校的截止日期及时提交准确的成绩报告和其他要求的行政信息.
    6. Propose curriculum development following RSCC policy AA-07-01 (access the complete detailed RSCC policy AA-07-01, 课程开发, at greenlakees.basilinfracon.com/policies/). 修改教学方法, 材料, 教科书, 补充阅读, 和活动 to maintain state-of-the-art methods for instruction and evaluation. (For related information access the complete detailed RSCC policy AA-13-01, 图书馆资料选择准则, at greenlakees.basilinfracon.com/policies/.)
    7. 每个全职教师需要投入37.5 hours per week to the college of which 30 hours will be reported on a 教师 schedule (教师 locator). 定位器报告的30小时将包括:
      1. Teaching time (classroom/lab/clinical instructional time required to meet assigned load)
      2. 办公时间(教职员工将保持固定的办公时间, 除了他们的教学职责, 以便提供给学生和其他教师, 履行行政管理职责)
      3. 与工作相关的旅行时间. Work-related travel is defined as travel between Roane State sites or other travel in service of Roane State. 与工作相关的差旅不包括通勤时间(相当于教员家与工作单位之间往返的时间)。. 官方站点在政策BA-01-01中定义. (访问完整详细的RSCC政策BA-01-01, General Travel,网址为 greenlakees.basilinfracon.com/policies/.)
      4. 教学时间和办公/工作相关的出差时间是一对一的,可能实验室和/或其他外部学习经历除外. 因此, 一名教师教授15小时的传统现场课程(没有实验室或临床部分),将报告15小时的教学时间和15小时的办公/工作相关的旅行时间. 在实验室教学和/或外部学习经验的全职教师将在定位器上报告与没有实验室/临床责任的教师相同的总学时数. 然而, teaching time may represent more than 50% of the hours reported for 教师 with lab/or external learning experiences. (这个例子适用于有或没有实验室/临床责任的教师,他们的学分负荷包括现场和网络时间的相同组合. Additional guidelines for reporting requirements specific to web-based instruction are included below.)
      5. 在给定学期中获得释放时间的教师不需要在教师定位器上报告教学释放时间或相关的办公室/工作相关的旅行时间.
      6. 如果一个教员的教学负担过重, 教职员工将不被要求安排与他们的全职负荷相关的办公时间. 如果教师在一个学期教过多的课程,并打算在下一个学期教过少的课程, one additional hour of 办公时间 for each overload hour should be scheduled. 在负荷不足的学期, 报告的办公/工作旅行时间, should equal the hours of teaching credit hour load (except as noted above for laboratory and clinical instruction).
      7. 为了适应参加网络课程的学生的需要, 教师可以选择为网络教学的每一个学分安排一个小时的“虚拟教学时间”(这不适用于网络增强教学)。. 另外, one hour of “virtual 办公时间” may be arranged for each credit hour of web-based teaching (again, 这不适用于网络增强教学). 教师 will not be required to be on campus for these virtual teaching and office hours. Regardless of the mix of live and web-based classes in a 教师 member’s schedule, 然而, 教师 locators will report a minimum of 10 hours of combined teaching time and office/work-related travel time. 下表提供了有关在线格式的教师学分负荷与教师定位器上报告的总时间之间关系的详细信息.


        教学时数:Web 报告教学时间* 办公室/工作相关的出差时间 报告教学总数 & 出差时间
        15 0 15 15 30
        12 3 12 12 24
        9 6 9 9 18
        6 9 6 6 12
        3 12 3 7 10
        0 15 0 10 10
      8. 所有教职员工都应保持办公时间(代表更广泛的办公时间分类的主要部分),并为学生提供正常的辅导帮助. 在任何情况下,教职员都不会向在学院注册的学生收取与其教学职责有关的协助费用. 教师 will also be available to students for advising purposes during office hours.
      9. 对于教授实验室或外部学习课程的教师来说,教学时间和与工作有关的旅行时间的总和可能等于或超过每周30小时(1).e.., 教员完成定位器上的30小时报告要求(不包括任何办公时间)。. 在这种情况下, 教职员工会, 尽管如此, 每周报告至少四个办公时间(这意味着在定位器上报告的总时间将超过30小时).
      10. 每学期的教学时间和办公/工作相关的旅行时间将根据该学期的新时间表重新安排. 教师 locators indicating hours of availability (defined as teaching time, 办公时间, 和工作相关的旅行时间)必须张贴在每个教员办公室/工作场所附近,并提交给相应的院长和负责学生学习的副校长. It is the responsibility of the deans to see that new 教师 locators are posted promptly each term.
      11. 教师 locators will list the 教师 member’s Roane State email address and Roane State extension. 定位器还将提供该教员在网上讲授的总学时的信息. 另外, 教师 locators will include a statement indicating that office hours may be arranged by appointment.
    8. Maintain classroom discipline appropriate for the learning objectives of course(s).
    9. Administer appropriate evaluations and tests to demonstrate achievement of general education and course objectives. Final examinations or evaluation plans must be filed with the appropriate dean for each course of instruction.
    10. 参加部门, 教师, 委员会, and other institutional meetings for the welfare and support of the college.
    11. 保持对课程的参与和成员资格, 专业组织, and community 贝博体育 to promote timely professional growth and contribution.
    12. 利用大学图书馆促进个人成长, 课堂教学与研究, and assist in maintaining appropriate library collections for courses taught.
    13. 参加毕业典礼.
    14. Assist with 教师 and student organizations, public relations, and recruitment.
  4. Non-Instructional责任
    除了教学职责之外, 教师 members are expected to perform other duties that contribute to the welfare and support of the college. Among these are academic advising of students, 委员会 assignments and mentoring. 非教学职责的分配将被审查,以确保教师不会被要求承担可能不利于教学绩效的额外责任.

    负责学生学习的副校长将在秋季学期任命教师为常务委员会服务,为该学年服务. 教师 members are given the opportunity to indicate preference for 委员会 assignments. 虽然不是每个人都能得到他们的第一选择, 我们将尽力满足这些要求. Efforts will be made to limit the 教师 member to no more than two standing 委员会 assignments per academic year. 偶尔, 教师 members may be asked to work on a special task force or temporary 委员会 assignment. 如果任何教师被要求在两个以上的委员会任职,并且该教师认为额外的任务将不利于教学绩效, the 教师 member can ask to be relieved of the additional assignment. 参见RSCC政策GA-25-01,常务委员会,见 greenlakees.basilinfracon.com/policies/.

    教师 members who have other Roane State responsibilities may be relieved of additional 委员会 assignments.

  5. 尽管有本文件中定义的要求, 在特殊情况下,其他安排可由教员和院长共同商定. 这种协议必须是书面的.


Revision History: 07/01/1990, 07/01/1995, 11/08/1999, 12/17/2007, 04/11/2011, 05/08/2015
修订生效日期: 11/19/2018
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 学生学习副总裁
综述: 11/19/2018


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